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Event viewer logs

Send your windows event viewer logs in seconds

Amnon Shahar avatar
Written by Amnon Shahar
Updated over a week ago

Coralogix provides a seamless integration with Winlogbeat to help you can send your Windows event viewer logs directly to Coralogix and parse them according to your needs.


This document includes cluster dependent URL’s. Each URL has a variable part (in Italic). Please match this part with a row entry within the following table. Copy the table row entry located under the column that matches the top level domain of your Coralogix account (.com, .in etc.). Replace the variable part of the URL with this entry.


Private Key – A unique ID which represents your company, this Id will be sent to your mail once you register to Coralogix.

Company Id – A unique number which represents your company. You can get your company id from the settings tab in the Coralogix dashboard.

Application Name – The name of your main application, for example, a company named “SuperData” would probably insert the “SuperData” string parameter or if they want to debug their test environment they might insert the “SuperData– Test”.

SubSystem Name – Your application probably has multiple subsystems, for example, Backend servers, Middleware, Frontend servers etc. in order to help you examine the data you need, inserting the subsystem parameter is vital.


Open your Winlogbeat configuration file and configure it to use Logstash. For more information about configuring Filebeat to use Logstash please refer to

Point your Winlogbeat to output to Coralogix Logstash server:

logstashserver.Cluster URL:5015

In addition, you should add Coralogix configuration from the General section.

#=========================== Winlogbeat Event Logs ============================


name: Application
  fields_under_root: true
  ignore_older: 72h
- name: Security
  fields_under_root: true
- name: System
  fields_under_root: true

    COMPANY_ID: Your company ID
    SUB_SYSTEM: "windows_events"

    index.number_of_shards: 3

#----------------------------- Logstash output --------------------------------

    enabled: true
    hosts: ["logstashserver.Cluster URL:5015"]
    index: logstash
    tls.certificate_authorities: ["<path to folder with certificates>\\ca.crt"]
    ssl.certificate_authorities: ["<path to folder with certificates>\\ca.crt"]

Test configuration

Before starting test your configuration:

PS C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat> .\winlogbeat.exe test config -c .\winlogbeat.yml -e

Start Winlogbeat

Start your Winlogbeat service:

PS C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat> Start-Service winlogbeat

You should now have your Windows event viewer logs streaming into Coralogix. Not seeing your logs in our LiveTail? We are always a click away. Use our in-app chat for support.


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