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Metric data

Coralogix Metricbeat integration

Eldar Aliiev avatar
Written by Eldar Aliiev
Updated over a week ago

Coralogix provides a seamless integration with Metricbeat so you can send your metric data from anywhere and create beautiful metric dashboards.

This document includes cluster dependent URL’s. Each URL has a variable part (in Italic). Please match this part with a row entry within the following table. Copy the table row entry located under the column that matches the top level domain of your Coralogix account (.com, .in etc.). Replace the variable part of the URL with this entry.



Private Key – A unique ID which represents your company, this Id will be sent to your mail once you register to Coralogix.

Company Id – A unique number which represents your company. You can get your company id from the settings tab in the Coralogix dashbaord.

Application Name – The name of your main application, for example, a company named “SuperData” would probably insert the “SuperData” string parameter or if they want to debug their test environment they might insert the “SuperData– Test”.

SubSystem Name – Your application probably has multiple subsystems, for example: Backend servers, Middleware, Frontend servers etc. in order to help you examine the data you need, inserting the subsystem parameter is vital.


On host machine

Open your Metricbeat configuration file and configure it to use Logstash. For more information about configuring Metricbeat to use Logstash please refer to:

Point your Metricbeat to output to Coralogix logstash server:

logstashserver.Cluster URL:5015

In addition you should add Coralogix configuration from the General section.

Here is a basic example of metricbeat.yml file for collecting metrics from  a Redis server:

- module: redis
  enabled: true
  hosts: ["redis:6379"]
  metricsets: ["info", "keyspace"]
  period: 10s

fields_under_root: true
  COMPANY_ID: Your company ID

  enabled: true
  hosts: ["logstashserver.Cluster URL:5015"]
  ssl.certificate_authorities: ["<path to folder with certificates>/ca.crt"]

Note: If you want to send all additional metadata, the fields_under_root option should be equals to false.

With Docker

Build Docker image with your metricbeat.yml:


LABEL description="Metricbeat metrics data collector"

# Adding configuration file and SSL certificates for Metricbeat
COPY metricbeat.yml /usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml
COPY ca.crt /etc/ssl/certs/Coralogix.crt

# Changing permission of configuration file
USER root
RUN chown root:metricbeat /usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml

# Return to deploy user
USER metricbeat


You can also deploy with Docker-compose:

version: '3.6'
    image: redis:latest
    container_name: redis

    container_name: metricbeat
      - ./metricbeat.yml:/usr/share/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml:ro
      - ./ca.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/Coralogix.crt:ro

Make sure you change owner of metricbeat.yml file to root (uid=1000).

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